Release Notes iiRDS
[IIRDS-125] Fragments not restricted to XML
- In
, In Section 6.2 of the specification, added example about fragments.
[IIRDS-146] Classes are not disjoint
- In the specification, added section about disjointness of classes
[IIRDS-191] Language-specific title of InformationUnits
- Added multi-language specific titles of documents.
[IIRDS-218] Wrong mime type in EXAMPLE 5
- In sections "Information Objects" and "Content Lifecycle Status "; Replaced wrong MIME type "application/html" by correct one "text/html".
[IIRDS-219] Events: Wrong cardinalities and properties
- Corrected a false statement about the cardinality of iirds:eventCode and iirds:eventType.
[IIRDS-236] Remove namespace from @iirds:class
- In section 10.4, removed namespace iirds from html attribute class.
[IIRDS-252] Wrong mime type definition in specification
- In section 5.2.1, error in mimetype corrected.
[IIRDS-255] Wrong description in chapter "Proprietary Property"
- In section 7.3.3, misleading description of example removed.
[IIRDS-259] Add example with Productfunction and ProductProperty
- In section 6.6.2 Product Metadata, added example to illustrate differentiation between subordinate iirds:ProductFunction and iirds:ProductProperty.
[IIRDS-260] Add skos labels in iiRDS Terms Domain, harmonize with IEC 82079-1, ISO/CD 24183 terminology
- Added RDF side file with skos terminology information; harmonized descriptions with IEC 82079-1, ISO/CD terminology to be consistant.
[IIRDS-273] Correct use of ProductVariant und Identity
- In Example 30 of the specification, added sentence about the identifier of a product variant.
[IIRDS-274] Incorrect description (cardinality for property duration) of class iirds:MaintenanceInterval
- In iirds-core.rdf, removed 'optional' from description of iirds:MaintenanceInterval.
[IIRDS-278] Clarify docking point vs extensions of non-docking-point classes
- Added a description for "Docking Points" to "Terms and Definitions".
[IIRDS-283] Specification uses iirds:applicable-to-document-type property instead of iirds:is-applicable-to-document-type
- Specification uses iirds:applicable-to-document-type property instead of iirds:is-applicable-to-document-type is corrected as in A.1.1
[IIRDS-297] Check ECLASS linking options
- In iirds-core.rdf, added iirds:ExternalClassification and additional structures to support external classifications which are not based on RDF, for example ECLASS.
In the specification, added section about iirds:ExternalClassification.
[IIRDS-306] iirds:description has domain iirdsDomainEntity
- In iirds-core.rdf, removed the domain of property
[IIRDS-308] DocumentTypes not extendable?
- In section 6.5.1 of the specification, added sentence about using proprietary document types.
[IIRDS-310] Wrong encoding for monospace font
- In the specification in Example 43 wrong quotations characters replaced by the correct ones.
[IIRDS-314] iiRDS Spec 1.1 links to old rdf files on top of the page
- Links to old RDF files on top of iiRDS Spec 1.1 replaced by correct ones in Spec. 1.2