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iiRDS You Tube

Events around the World

iiRDS is gaining a lot of attention around the world. Therefore, it is one of our greatest concerns to bring the topic to interested parties directly, informing them about the standard and its newest developments accordingly. Events are the perfect opportunity to do so.

Presenting at events all around the world, we aim to bring together people from diverse backgrounds who are united in their interest in iiRDS. This way, lively discussions and an exchange of experiences can be ensured. Get to know all our recent events and how iiRDS is traveling around the world. Here, you can see all upcoming events and presentations.

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iiRDS Webinars and Recordings

webinars and videos about iiRDS

The iiRDS Consortium, in collaboration with tekom Europe, has organized a free webinar series to inform companies about iiRDS and the iiRDS Consortium – our goals, benefits, projects and use cases. 

Webinars were offered on the introduction and implementation of iiRDS and on iiRDS in the knowledge graph

Publishing with iiRDS from DITA was hosted by STC New England and Delivering Intelligent Information to Enable the Digital Twin for Medium sized Enterprises was an iiRDS pilot project. 

The recordings of these webinars are available.

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About iiRDS

Get insights and information about iiRDS and network with iiRDS Consortium members.

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iiRDS on YouTube

Watch our video on iiRDS introduction, implementation, use cases, and showcasing iiRDS tools.

iiRDS YouTube

Any Questions?

iiRDS Project Manager
Susanne Lohmüller
+49 711 65704-78

Get in touch with us!

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Check out our press review.